

At Bonsai we really are postive happy people, but every once in a while we see things we dislike online and in the "real world" (Yes it exists). On some sites online, you're only able to "like" things (cough cough facebook, excuse me), but doesn't the skeptic, negative nancy in you want to dislike it and tell the whole world.  Well now you can. Introducing dislike stickers!

Comes in a large (6" x 2") and small (1" x 3.5") sticker size.

Buy your dislike stickers here:


How to dislike online:

We've also created a Dislike Facebook Group so you can dislike anything you want on FB.

  1. Join Facebook Group here.
  2. Type @dislike in any comment or post you dislike.

Yes, it's that easy.


At half-past eight the door opened, the policeman appeared, and, requesting them to follow him, led the way to an adjoining hall. It was evidently a court-room, and a crowd of Europeans and natives already occupied the rear of the apartment.

At half-past eight the door opened, the policeman appeared, and, requesting them to follow him, led the way to an adjoining hall. It was evidently a court-room, and a crowd of Europeans. At half-past eight the door opened, the policeman appeared, and, requesting them to follow him, led the way to an adjoining hall. It was evidently a court-room, and a crowd.

The donations increased due to the impactful user journey.

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